Story 16: Palapas Tepakan

This beautiful place is at the south edge of the village of Tepakan, a few miles north of Izamal. There are several routes to drive there; we prefer taking the coast road to Telchac Puerto and heading south to Motul, then east through Suma and Teya. (More topes, about 10 minutes longer, but completely avoids …

Story 13: Cuzamá Cenotes

We visited Los Tres Cenotes de Cuzamá during Christmas/New Years week 2021. Here’s a Google Maps link, and higher resolution versions of the photos are available on our Flickr page. Cuzamá is located just west of Homún, but these days is much less marketed. We chose the Los Tres Cenotes de Cuzamá. There would be …

Story 12: The Convent Route

The Ruta de los Conventos is one of Yucatan’s mapped tourist routes. This one takes you south of Merida on the Chetumal highway with stops at Acanceh, Tecoh, Telchaquillo, Z.A. Mayapán, Tekit, Mama, Chumayel, Teabo and Maní. We hit several of those on our two-day overnight trip just before Christmas 2021. There is a long, …

Story 11: Hacienda Santo Domingo de Yunkú

(YBR members can view a Facebook post from our very first visit back in September; this first trip was the inspiration for starting the group and this Website.) We finally got a weekend to return to the village of Yunkú and it’s beautifully restored hacienda. The folks at Camino del Mayab announced last week that …